Snoring occurs when the tissues in the back of the throat vibrate due to a narrowed or blocked passageway for air. As it is the airways can become swollen and block air from getting through.The uvula is capable of collapsing in the back of the throat restricting airways causing you to snore.
A stuffy nose can also cause snoring due to restricted nasal passages. Enlarged tonsils can also Curing Insomnia a cause of snoring both in children and adults. Other causes of snoring are lack of muscle tissue in the throat A deviated septum can cause a restriction in the nasal passage. This is the center of your nose leaning to one side restricting air passage and can also cause breathing problems. Your doctor can tell you if this is happening to you.
Drinking alcohol or being on medication can also be a cause of snoring as both of these will relax the throat muscles restricting airway. Alcohol affects the part of the brain that controls breathing.
Being overweight can also be a cause of snoring because of fat cells building up in the back of the throat restricting airways causing vibrations in the throat tissues. Fat deposits can accumlate in the nasal passage. Also having a sore throat or a cold or the flu can also be causes of snoring due to the swelling in the throat. Age and poor fitness are also contributing factors to snoring.
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids also will contribute to loud snoring Snoring problems can lead to complications to your health and your relationships as well.They should be resolved or you should consult your doctor to help you.
Sleep Apnea could also be a problem If your breathing sometimes Prescrition Sleep Aids like it is stopped when you 're sleeping it is possible that you have sleep apnea and you should speak to a doctor or a specialist Sleep apnea can be dangerous and should be taken seriously.
Doug Olson was a man who hadsnoring problems until he tried these natural cures and techniques and got his snoring problems resolved and his wife to sleep with him again.
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